My New Website - CARDS BY LOUISE

My New Website - CARDS BY LOUISE
Please click the picture to visit my New Website!

Sunday 18 January 2009

New Background

Well, I have downloaded a new background from the Cutest Blog on the Block but look what's happened!! Some of the original spotty background is still there - oops! If anyone knows what has gone wrong, please let me know.
Louise x

Ok, I've sorted out the problem with the background BUT I cant change the layout - All of the info that I want to show at the side of my Posts, appears at the bottom. Such as, Followers, Profile, etc.
If you can help, please let me know where I'm going wrong!!!
Getting frustrated now!!
Louise x

1 comment:

Rosette said...

Try this..I think it all depends on the template you choose dear, from the settings of Blogger.
Click: Customise (on top of the Blog).It opens on your Dashboard. Then there is a row of tabs:Page elements, Fonys etc.. You have to click on : Pick New Template.
Then select a template that is white (so that you will only leave the New Background on) and one that has the prefered layout (rows etc..)you want ot have on your Blog.
Try that.. I hope it helps. Always make sure that you click on Save before getting back on your Blog.

Hugs, and thanks for following my Blog.xx

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